
How does an SSL order purchase work?

You can order an SSL certificate from CA or the reseller website. SSL order process is a simple...

What is Asymmetric encryption?

Witfield Diffie & Martin Hellman are researchers who proposed asymmetric encryption in 1977....

What is SSL?

SSL (secure socket layer) is a protocol designed to protect online information over the web....

What is Symmetric encryption?

Symmetric encryption is the hoariest technique of encryption. In this method, the sender and...

What is Validation in SSL?

Validation is a cross-checking process done by a certificate authority (CA), and it depends on...

What is a CSR?

CSR (Certificate Signing Request) is a block of ciphertext created on the server. While ordering...

What is a Chained root?
What is a SAN SSL certificate?

SAN (Subject Alternative Names) is ideal for protecting multiple domains. However, the enterprise...

What is a Wildcard certificate?

The enterprise may have different subdomains, so it can be costly if the enterprise purchases...

What is a private key?

A Private Key is a part of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) used to decrypt the earlier encrypted...

What is a public key?

Public key is a part of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and encrypts the information that travels...

What is a root certificate?

The root certificate is a part of public key infrastructure and is issued by the trusted root...

What is an SSL certificate?

SSL certificate is also called a public key identity certificate, generally issued by a...

What is browser compatibility in SSL?

SSL certificates carry more than 99% browser compatibility means their root certificates are...

What is encryption strength?

The quantity of bits in the encryption key used to encrypt data during an SSL transaction is...

What is intermediate certificate?

The intermediate certificate works as a substitute for the root certificate. CAs keep the keys of...

What is the importance of authenticity, integrity and encryption in SSL?

SSL certificate stands on three principles: Authenticity, Integrity, and Strong...

What is the maximum validity an SSL certificate holds?

According to CA/Browser forum guidelines, an SSL certificate can be issued for 13 months (397...

What is the role of Encryption in SSL?

Encryption plays an essential role in SSL that uses the SHA-2 hash algorithm. The SHA-2 family...

What is the role of SSL warranty?

An SSL certificate is issued after checking an existing business’s background. However, if the...

What types of SSL certificates are available?

Every business has different web security needs, and therefore, certificate authorities have a...

Why do I need an SSL certificate?

The information traveling between the browser and the server remains in plain text and third...

Why is CSR generated?

The role of CSR (certificate signing request) is essential in getting an SSL certificate. CSR...