Follow the step by step instructions to Install an SSL/TLS Certificate in Apache Server

To complete SSL certificate installation on the Apache server, you need below 3 keys.

  1. SSLCertificateKeyFile: Server private key created with CSR key
  2. SSLCertificateFile: Your Certificate Issuer will provide domain certificate signed for your domain name only.
  3. SSLCertificateKeyFile: Publicly trusted SSL certificate issued by Certificate Authorities.

Installation Process…

  1. Download/copy SSL certificate code received from Certificate Issuer and save file as mydomain.crt
  1. Get certificate issuer intermediate and root certificates. Contact your SSL certificate issuer to get correct version. Save file as rootca.crt
  2. Upload both certificate files on server
    (/path/to/mydomain.crt and /path/to/rootca.crt)
  3. Login server and find Apache Configuration file (httpd.conf) to edit.
    General installation find apahce configuration files in /etc/httpd and the main configuration file is named as httpd.conf. You should edit
  1. Identify the <VirtualHost> block to configure ssl certificate. Below is very simple example of virtual host configuration.
DocumentRoot /var/www/yourdomain
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateChainFile /path/to/rootca.crt
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/mydomain.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/private.key

You should configure a new virtual host for each new website and sub-domains.

  1. Command to test Apache config before restarting.
  1. Restart Apache service to activate SSL certificate installation changes. Command to restart Apache service.
apachectl stop
apachectl start
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